Position: Project Manager
Responsibilities: As Project Manager, I am responsible for establishing and managing client expectations for the outreach and engagement efforts on a project. It is the Project Managers job to develop a detailed outreach plan outlining the strategies and tools that will be used to effectively communicate project information and updates to elected officials, community members, and other stakeholders. I plan and allocate resources, prepare budgets, and monitor the progress of the outreach efforts to ensure all tasks, deliverables, and project materials are delivered promptly for successful engagement efforts throughout the duration of a project.
Why Assedo? I am an avid supporter of the community input and engagement process. I believe that community members should be informed and educated on the projects that are happening in their community and love that Assedo is helping to engage, educate and empower residents in an equitable manner.
Background: I have over 15 years of public service experience with the City of Baltimore—ten years as a Community Liaison and the other five years coordinating and leading the Outreach and Engagement efforts for the Office of Engagement at the city’s Department of Transportation.
Favorite Quote: "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly." – Proverb