Position: Marketing Specialist
Responsibilities: I carry out research, participate in community events, and offer marketing services with an emphasis on community engagement through social media. Additionally, I promote interactive participation across different communication channels on social media. I support the team in creating social media content, whether it be written or visual form.
Why Assedo? Because of their expertise in communication for community outreach, I made the decision to collaborate with the Assedo team. Although I had technical knowledge, Assedo possessed a profound understanding of the underlying factors that contribute to successful need of a digital communication strategies. Working with Assedo has been fulfilling as it motivates me to give my best in completing projects. What sets the company apart and makes it noteworthy is its dedication to making a positive impact on the community.
Background: In my educational background, I hold a Master Certificate in Digital Communications from the esteemed University of Baltimore. Additionally, I possess a BA in Digital Communications with a focus on Public Relations, also obtained from the University of Baltimore. Furthermore, I have successfully completed an Associate degree in general studies from the reputable Community College of Baltimore County.
Favorite Quote: “If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou